Master Micro Biology with ease! This Study Pack breaks down all key concepts of Unit 09.
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Unit 09 BioSnap 01
Unit 09 BioSnap 02
Unit 09 BioSnap 03
Unit 09 BioSnap 04
Unit 09 BioSnap 05
Unit 09 BioSnap 06
Unit 09 BioSnap Final
Introduction, Microorganisms - Bacteria, Cyanobacteria & Fungi, Nitrogen Cycle
Mollicutes, Virus, Viroids, Prions & Sterilization Techniques
Preparation of Culture Media & Microorganisms and diseases
Methods & Prevention of Microbial Diseases and Applications of microorganisms in Industry (Part 1)
Applications of Microorganisms in Industry (Part 2), Environment Management & Agriculture
Soil Microorganisms & Microbiology of Domestic and Waste Water (Part 1)
Microbiology of Domestic and Waste Water (Part 2), Solid Waste Treatment & Microorganisms and Food
These are pre-recorded sessions of classes conducted for the 2025 batch. This course contains everything that you need to know about Unit 04, and gives you a proper understanding on all the key concepts of the unit.
I am Sethmika Hemachandra. In 2023, I completed my A/Ls and secured the Colombo district 9th position (Island 47th) in the Biology Stream and now I'm studying as a medical student in the University of Colombo. As a student, I've noticed that A/L Biology is a subject disliked by most students, myself included at the beginning. This is because it's often taught in a way that requires a large amount of fact memorizing. However, as I learned more about the subject, I came to see what an amazing subject it truly is. That's why I decided to pursue teaching Biology - to help students learn, understand, and enjoy the subject as I did.