
Geeth Hewavitharana

Advanced Level | Chemistry | English Medium



To be honest, I am really thankful for me to take decision to join Geeth sirs classes and today I consider it as my luck! If i to say something about the classes, actually one sentence come into my mind." I LOVE CHEMISTRY"..after the free session sir did for inorganics i realized what chemistry is and i felt that I love it..then onwards I am following sirs guidelines now...On point!. Earlier I was in a mess regarding this subject. didn't know how to do a past paper question..low marks..but to be honest, now I am improving myself due to the PUSH given to us in the paper class..and I am living with past papers as Geeth sir always tell us..Theory lessons are in my head..another important thing is the greatest motivational words..push me day by day to acheive my dream.. There is nothing i see negative in this class to say...I am always grateful to my sir.. and thank you sir for giving this chance to tell us something.. I promise I will bleed in practice and get the maximum result I can

H.A.D Malshi Pabasara

I was often used get haunted thinking about how I'm going to manage the chemistry paper, but after the paper classes, I'm feeling pretty confident that I will be able to achieve what I want under your guidance. Recently I had my school exams, for the first time in these 2 years chemistry paper was the easiest paper for me, it was shocking for me, but then I realised it was possible because of your guidance sir. The sessions are very helpful, they help me to get a better understanding and they show me how to apply the theory to questions.

Aysha Masoom

To be honest I didn't understand unit 1 to 6 in my previous class, then I joined Geeth sir's class and then my theory parts of these units were ok and yet I couldnt do any Questions. Then I joined Geeth sir's paper classes and then I started to feel that Chemistry is actually an easy subject.In our School we had our exams the day before yesterday, and I have only done unit 1, 2 and 5 questions properly with the help of sir's approaching and answering methods. I am grateful for you sir for teaching me because in my OLs Chemistry was the hardest subject and I was In a cliff hanger decision whether to choose ICT or Chemistry because I personally didn't like that subject and that It was a hard subject for me. But after I joined your classes sir, my perspective about Chemistry completely changed, Chemistry started becoming easy and i started liking the subject more.

Abdullah Sherifu

Tbh Sir when I joined sir's sessions the theory parts I've done in my classes were very overwhelming & although I study I never knew the extent of the lessons and approach for questions , but within a few weeks of joining the sessions I had a clear idea on what I have to do and doing past papers in the right way rather than just answering them!!! & Reviewing the theory parts in parallel with questions was quite helpful & most importantly Thank You sir for reinstalling trust in the subject & Encouragement. And my structured essay timing has greatly improved with the techniques Sir used!

Ishodha Cumaratunga

It's truly a luck of mine that i found Geeth sir because i have improved a lot. Though i knew all the theories i didn't know how to answer questions and to approach them and i was truly scared of questions. Thanks to sir it is now really easy to approach and to obtain the answer quickly using theories simply explained by sir. I am really thankful for all the notes sir provide us, it helps me alot and are true treasures. I really hope more students will be guided by sir as they will be guided in the correct path. Thank you so much sir for all your effort in helping us. I will take everything and do my maximum as a payback to you sir.

Imethma Gunasekara

Sir you're the only teacher who suits for my studying methods .I always prefer to go with the resource book . I left from my previous classes and try to do in my own because I felt that it's a time wasting as they didn't teach what we want and give many points out of syllabus and do many model papers instead of past papers. At the time I get to know about your webinar and I've participated for it. That was the only webinar that I've participated by giving full concentration to each and every word.Actually it's a turning point and I'm really lucky to have a guidance from you sir. You're a great teacher and your teaching style is the best out of best and I was worried that I get to know about you later at the last few months. But actually I'm blessed to learn from you even in this last few months. From my experiences you're the best teacher ever😊.Sir,I wanted to tell these things in my future times and this is a chance to convert my gratefulness to words. Good luck for your future plans

Hiru Fernando

A very hardworking personality. A lecturer who genuinely wishes for the well being of each and every student which everyone hasn't. It's been just two weeks me joining his class, the best of his qualities is that he wants not just one but all of his students to get along this barrier because we have seen masters who targets just the students with A grades after just 2 term exams. Keep up the great work sir !

A. Humaiz Muzny

I'm satisfied with this paper class. These sessions really thought me how to attempt the questions precisely and also manage my time accordingly. And also I've learnt a lot of mcq tricks which would really be beneficial. I do my best to follow sir's methods and earn a good mark in exams. Like sir said earlier, what other paper classes do is that they give a model paper prepared by the tuition teacher, and solve them without letting us to understand or attempt by ourselves. Now I get what a real paper class is! Appreciate your hard work for us sir 😊

Deleksha Walawedura

I feel like I'm growing my confidence in chemistry day by day and that I can definitely achieve an A grade "💯 Awesome.... I was groomed by this paper class. Specially, in the structured paper-4th question, I never knew the correct way to attempt this question. But now thanks to this class I'm much confident. To be honest, first I thought that I knew everything and that I could get an A easily (which was really silly). But then I realised that I knew nothing (literally) 😅 I've learnt alot from this paper class session. Sir trained our minds to think on point and attempt the questions wisely with the given time.... So grateful that I found this class :) ❤️ "

Deleksha Walawedura

Very effective that i started feeling the spirit of chemistry.. really sir ive heard people saying if u are feeeling boring on a subject it means u r learning it with a bad teacheer. I felt it now i love chemistry now literally sir because of you may hod blesss you with all what you have asked..

Aiman Salam

Absolutely a very good lecturer his flash notes are really helpful and the explanations too

Nethranjali Manasvi

Actually I feel I’m so blessed to be a student of you sir Even though I have only few months to work with you. Everybody says that doing past papers is really important to get good grades in Al But most of us do not get a proper guidance in doing those past papers effectively But I’m soo happy that finally I have received that guidance from our beloved sir Actually I feel more confident about chemistry and I’m well satisfied about the paper clz Because throughout the 4 hrs in Monday Clz I feel that I’m taking the whole benefit of the clz without wasting any second I wish I had a clz like this for my other two subjects too Thanks a lot sir for your dedication towards us that means a lot for us . Sometimes I feel like your paper clz was a gift from God to me Thank you once more again sir May God bless you dear sir

Shamel Gabriella Fernando

Sir.. I have learned chemistry from many teachers. But I honestly say that now only I have met the best teacher. I have never met such a dedicated chemistry teacher for the students. While other teachers make plans to cover the syllabus you make plans to make A passes.. Feel so lucky to work under your guidance sir.. Thank you so much for being with us sir..

Rashmika Nipuni

Honestly his teaching is really good and the fact he provides a proper plan is something to admire and i REALLY appreciate the 2021 guide he provided to the students who's not even attending his classes without any hesitation.

Selani Rivindi

Very effective sir. we got to know about the points that we missed in previous lessons, refresh our memory, and identify our weak points.

Sadewni Siyara Wickramaarachchi

"To Geeth sir, To speak the truth...its been almost one month since I left my former revision cls .....so far atleast once even I have never regreted doing it ....ur doing the clss superb👍...I wish I had known earlier about you .. rather than wasting time in my former class...sir U dnt knw.😅..when ppl ask me to suggest a good chem cls im like telling all around that u are the best in the field💪... Thanyou sir🙏 "

Zaynab Nawas

Really confident about facing the exam..as i approached Mr.Geeth's chemistry paper class i feel that i have improved so much in chemistry. Feel so happy about my improvement.

Kavindya Sapumali

Very good. Feels confident to answer the paper. My timing in MCQs has been improved.

Lohini Lenmini Samarathunge

Sir Geeth is one of the most dedicated and rare teachers in english medium that I have come across and his explanation is very clear that anyone at any level can understand

Asma Rameez

Sir if u can pls can u repeat the unit 3,4 and 5 because there is a big hole on these.... i went on to a class but finally i realised that he teaches many mistakes and even i realised it in the end of chemical calculations.... even his chemical calculations was not clear and i was confused what to do after leaving his class... so then one of my friend said to join a seminar of u for inorganic and then i realised that ur the best sir who suits me and u have a great vision on our future plans... but sir u started from inorganic but i even don't know the basics of gasses and energetics... i tried reading the resource book but got a partial knowledge but still i am confused with them and even with chemical calculations.... sir if u can pls repeat the gasses and energetics at least by keeping a seminar sir.

Abdul Rahman Irfan

i ve always thought chemistry was sort of a hard subject to get an 'A' pass.....i am really thankful to sir for changing that thought and boosting up my confidence ... i ve attended a few paper classes, but never felt satisfied with the teaching tecniques , thanks to sir i have finaly found the right class...

Shafiya Nijar

Sir your lecturers are very good and understandable. Iam learning many this from you that i haven't learnt before in other classes. Your shorts notes are very useful to me to understand the topics and important points.

Saffran Sabir

Really intresting after attending geeth sir's live class & recording. I have an imrovement than before specially we were able lern the hidden points in organic and inorganic hope if the exam postpone we can spend our time more with geeth sir I am will be able improve more and we will get a good distinction

Fathima Imra

"I 100% sure i have improved a lot in the past few months. Plus i feel much more confident in chemistry than the other 2 subjects.( literally to say chemistry has become the easiest to me)" "I could do the questions within the time limit . All thanks to sirs tips.."

Shafiya Nijar

Its been quite hard earlier but after joining the paper class i found this subject easier and more convenient ,the style sir use to explain questions is more familar and more interesting . A drastic change i have seen im glad about my pottential

Gaindu Ranaweera

Actually the best english medium chemistry teacher i have ever met in my A/L life. I really enjoy going to your class and your teaching is so on point and your teaching style is very interesting.(until now i have been in your sessions for 1 and half months i have not felt bored or sleepy during your sessions.)

Sandil Vinranga Jayasinghe

He is a great sir for chemistry😊. Its so effective and interesting to be in his class because he only speaks the fact not all the extra stuffs which we don't need for the exam. That's really a good quality a teacher should have. Thank you Ace Academy for giving us this opportunity and introducing us to this amazing sir. I was in the verge of giving up my exams but after the free inorganic session I understood what was my problem, it was that I didn't know the correct method to study. Now i am much better than earlier. Now i can UNDERSTAND chemistry😀. Thank you so much sir forever grateful for you 😊

Maryam Niyas

His explaining skill make us love the subject more... Actually we are lucky to get him in our last days. He verify each and every point clearly. After attending to his class I get to know actually what is chemistry is.

Gunasekaram Madusha

No one will give a best explanation in every question in chemistry like you. So lucky to have a best teacher for this subject . Thank you for helping us for this subject

Pamudi Hiranya

I am really happy with the way of explanation of sir as I can almost understand everything, and really thankful to sir.

H.W. Milshi Terisha Fernando.

Honestly for me sir was like a ray of light. I was so much stuck in the subject but now I find a small relief in it.

Hashini Hirushima Handapangoda

He is very good teacher, who is very skilled in his subject and has great interest in sharing it with the students. I feel a lot more confident when writing the papers now.... than before I came to the class..and also was able to improve time management too.. It is a very good class....one of the best paper classes I have gone...able to learn a lot everyday

Vinul Edirisinghe

It's really great. I've been to a few chemistry classes before for revision but none of them were as good as this.

Ovin Nawarathne

I'm doing better than before. Thank you sir for helping us. Really amazed by the improvement. Very sure about an 'A' pass.

Gimhani Prarthana

It's a part of life right now. As you always say sir now it's in the heart mixed with blood passing through every artery and vein. Can't even belive it's the subject I used to have lowest marks . In term test I had A for bio and physics but C for chemistry. After joining your class sir I started working on something that I had given up. For some one who has given up. It's not easy to think to try again. It was so hard but I Don't know even how chemistry is now something that I don't study but that I enjoy.

Keyara Sachini

It was a huge impact in my chemistry life... Sirs explanations n short tips n tricks are very useful!! I feel confident that i can do it well

S. Madhushalini

"A vast improvement. After joining I learnt how to manage the paper with the given time. The tips sir gave and the way he paved the way to approach the structured and essay questions were very helpful. I feel blessed and relieved to have sir's influence even during the pandemic a few months before the exam."

Dinelli Samarakkody

I'm Hansi Dayanath, a 2022 A/L student I just want to thank sir for the amazing teaching being done in the lessons❤️ Thank you sir I was not familiar with the organic chemistry lessons at all and I regret I couldn't find Geeth Sir earlier for all of the chemistry lessons I am currently watching the organic lesson recordings and I'm in the last bit of finishing the lesson now,I'm very grateful to learn from sir I am unable to join the live class since I have another class at that time,but I will be joining the revision series paper class from next Wednesday as I saw a 👌plan of sir and that gives my mind some positiveness as well. I will be re covering the lessons I find hard, Chemical kinetics and equilibrium lesson by referring to the recordings Then I hope to change my class I have and catch up attend the theory class when the new lesson starts and go with sirs amazing plan with both theory and paper class I will cover those lessons very soon,it's very easy to

Hansi Dayanath

I couldn't have found a better chemistry teacher than you sir. Your splash notes specially for organic and inorganic greatly helped me in the exam and in my past paper practices to gain maximum results in the shortest amount of time possible. your guidance on how to do tricky questions like 4th structured essay greatly helped me to save time and get answers in an efficient way . I also need to mention that your path to chemistry tute greatly helped me to manage my chemistry studies during the last few months before the exam. I am also grateful to the predictions about d block and industry questions ,he is very skillful at analyzing past papers and predicting future questions . Through the past paper training class i managed to learn how to handle time when writing a paper and short methods to do time consuming physical essay questions. you were not just an excellent chemistry tutor but also a great life guidance as well all the times you have scolded us for making just a simple mistake

NIsura Roneth Evarts

Did you know that only 3000 students sit for the English medium Advanced Level examination per year and out of them, only 150-200 will achieve an A pass for chemistry? This statistic is a clear indicator that this exam is even more competitive than even the O/Levels! Students need to be trained in this regard so that they can meet the necessary standard to achieve excellence with higher results. 


Few points about the lecturer.....


*8 years of experience

*98 A and 63 B passes in the last three years

*100% pass percentage up to date

*Doctorate (Ph.D.) candidate at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura with interests in Higher Food Chemistry and developing mitigation techniques for Trans Fatty Acids which directly affect the blood cholesterol levels.

*His collaboration with Ace Academy has led to 4500+ total student enrollments last year due to his superior expertise and capabilties. Check out the Review section with student testimonies along with gaining access to some free recordings on: https://aceacademy.lk/GeethHewavitharana

*During last few years his free YouTube sessions for English medium students were unparalleled and you can view them on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxjqTMOVqRoeMBSe8_MiHcA

*Using the New Syllabus Resource Book for past paper questions is another plus point as he also participated as a proofreader of said book under the guidance of the Professors of Chemistry Paper Panel.

*Be assured that your lecturer is a master of chemistry as a subject and is practically applying the theories of higher chemistry for his Research Investigations.

Visit; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eLvy7z8AAAAJ&hl=en

*Download your syllabus' 5 Resource Books (Altogether 14 units) and some papers from the below link (Official Paper cite of Ace Academy)
